Case Study

Solutions – Special Olympics International

Clients :

Special Olympics International

Category :

Software Development

Date :

March 2019 - Present

Supporting the Special Olympic Movement

ATS provides Special Olympics International (SOI) with software development and technical services around three of their key applications to help manage their 175 Programs around the world.

  • The Census application, allows Programs to complete their Annual Census online. In addition, it provides SOI with Reporting Tools to assist with completing their annual reports and other required reporting. The application collects valuable information about Program’s athletes, coaches, leaders, volunteers, and other programmatic components globally. Census is required to be submitted by every Special Olympics accredited Program on an annual basis.
  • The Accreditation application allows SOI Programs to complete their accreditation requirements online and allows the Programs to upload all required supporting documents. In addition, it provides SOI with Reporting Tools to assist with completing their annual reports and other required reporting.
  • The Unified Champion Schools (UCS) application is used to track US Program’s budgets and schools that have received grants to start Special Olympics Unified Champion Schools®. This program is for schools to promote meaningful social inclusion by bringing together students with and without intellectual disabilities to create accepting school environments.


ATS is proud to partner with Special Olympics and provide our software engineering expertise to continue to evolve these applications with new features and enhancements, routine maintenance, and overall application support.

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